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Bylaw and Rules

2023 -2024 周末学校 学生安全接送规则 Pick up and Drop off Rules for Weekend Chinese School 

1. Pre-School 2年级的学生,家长必须进教室来接孩子,下课前在教室门口等待下课开门。学生不得自己单独跑出教室。如家长迟到未接,TA或老师可以把孩子带到前台,由校务人员看护,等待家长来接。
For students from Pre-School through 2nd grade, parents must enter the classroom to pick up their children, They should wait at the classroom door before class ends. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom on their own. If a parent is late to pick up their child, the teacher or TA can bring the child to the front desk where school staff will supervise them until the parent arrives.

2. 三年级和三年级以上的学生下课自行离开教室,除非家长有书面要求,让老师把学生留在教室等待家长接。有此要求的家长如迟到未接,TA或老师可以把孩子带到前台,由校务人员看护,等待家长来接。
Students in 3rd grade and above are allowed to
 leave the classroom on their own after class, unless parents have submitted a written’ request asking the teacher to keep the student in class until they arrive. If the parents with such request is late to pick up their child, the teacher or TA can bring the child to the front desk where 
school staff will supervise them until the parent arrives.

Cancellation Rules

If a student wants to join a class after the school year starts and parents aren't sure if it's the right fit, the school can arrange a trial class, if there's space available (full classes won't have trials). If it's not a good fit during the trial, the class is free. If the student continues, tuition starts from that class. You can withdraw within the first three classes, and tuition is based on the number of classes attended. After three classes, no tuition refunds are given (except special case).

Bylaw 学校章程

Download the Bylaw

Rules (Registering for school and working at this institution entails automatic compliance with the school's rules)


Download the Teacher Rules and Classroom Rules

Download the Parent/Guardian Rules

Download the Student Rules